Personal Stories of Ask & Receive

Personal Accounts of Ask & Receive:

Dawn, Missouri – Breast cancer and multiple myeloma

“I do not believe I would be alive if it were not for you.  You helped me be able to tolerate medications, food and procedures. We worked on resolving emotional issues that I believe contributed to my diseases.  I especially attribute your long distance treatment to the surprise total remission of a blood clot.  The doctors and nurses had never seen a life threatening blood clot totally resolve on it’s own when they went in surgically.”

Joel, New Jersey – Preparation for bilateral hip surgery

“Using Pam’s protocol, I was methodically brought to a point where I was able to stabilize my vital signs during surgery, eliminate unnecessary bleeding and make a nearly miraculous recovery of less than 24 hours from surgical implants to full ambulatory mode. I recovered with minimal pain, no nausea and rapid (less than 4 days) of acute rehabilitation following a shortened hospital stay of only 3 days.”

Danny – Stage 3 throat cancer

“I do not know what you did but in the middle of our first telephone conversation, the pain in my throat went away and never came back again.  The doctors can’t find any cancer now anywhere in my body. I cried and cried on the phone and the pain went away.”

L.N. – Thyroid Cancer

“It is because of you and the “Ask & Receive” that I had such a positive outcome, Pam. The Ask & Receive not only helped me with my fear of hospitals, but enabled me to help my body to heal. Because of this, I did not feel out of the loop with my treatment. I felt I was able to control the way my immune system would fight this foreign invader. And as a result I was pronounced cancer free by my Endocrinologist!”

Pam, New Jersey – Multiple chemical sensitivities

“I am able to do things I have not done in years! I am able to go by myself to my doctor’s appointments.  I can go to my childrens’ school functions. Just this week I did 5 things that I have not done in years.  And I am not afraid.  I just do it.  Even if I smell a smell, I just continue what I am doing. I am not afraid of smells anymore. I am not afraid I will end up in the emergency room or die if I am around a some!”

Clients Respond to Ask & Receive

“I can’t begin to tell you how much I love “Ask & Receive” Its  a life changing modality for sure. My clients are responding well and the more I use it, the more I love it. Am refining my skills and keep getting better with it.”S.P. – Toronto

One Comment:

  1. Clara Tamashunas

    My left foot pain had become so severe that one day I hardly ate anything, Getting about the kitchen was just that difficult.
    Sandi uncovered that the root of my foot pain was a long ago incident with my son that left me feeling ” How could he do this to me”!!?? and that it was HE who was carrying the wound of that reaction all these past 24 years. I need not to have felt traumatized or catastrophized. He was being a caring son. I was not the victim as I had believed.
    Sandi’s expertise resulted in:
    1. I was up and about. Foot pain w-a-y down.
    2. I became all the more the mother I have always wished to be to my son.
    3. My son too got a wound mended. Sandi’s parenting expertise is supreme. I will not repeat that pattern of thinking.
    p.s. all this in a one hour session

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