Exposed in the Womb – How you can help

In the 1990’s during the “crack baby” crisis, I spent time volunteering at a local hospital in Philadelphia “holding the babies.”  I had injured my back and had been unable to work for several months.  When I became able to sit for a short period of time, I wanted to…

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London Was Fantastic!

[metaslider id=406] Sandi, Pam and I just got back from our London Ask and Receive 3 day training. It all went even better than expected with students learning powerful ways to tune-in to their bodies and unconscious to find rapid powerful solutions for physical and emotional issues. We were so impressed by…

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What? The Cause of My Anxiety and Panic is Physical?

“Chronic anxiety and Panic attacks are signs of an underlying physiological disorder.” This is the message I give to patients seeking treatment for anxiety and panic. Since most of these people have been told for years that “you should just stop worrying”, and that the pains they feel in their…

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“He Doesn’t Love Me!”

My former client, through her sobs said, “He doesn’t love me.” She said, “Whenever I ask him to go somewhere, he says no and then just sits around and watches TV.” I asked her if she wanted to change this judgment. She cried, “But, it’s true!” What is true is…

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A Cure for Bad Dreams

Twenty five years ago, when I was a fledgling therapist finding my way in a Community Mental Health clinic, I was sitting in a meeting when another young therapist, named Ed, mentioned that he knew how to heal bad dreams and keep them from repeating. I remember almost nothing from…

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The roots of obesity stretch back to the womb

There has been a recent flurry of articles about a new study that links obesity in later life with early childhood obesity. Here is a link from the LA Times: I think that the researchers are not looking deeply enough at what they have discovered. The articles are suggesting…

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Inheriting stress

Finally research is starting to come in that supports what Sandi and I (and others) have been saying for so long: stress can be inherited. Not only that, but this inherited stress can and does produce physical, genetic, and emotional conditions. Even more, this stress can be passed down to…

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How Does Ask and Receive Work?

Better health begins by recognizing that it is our thoughts and beliefs which create our disease. Ask and Receive understands that our early traumas and resulting limiting beliefs form the background of all future experience. When our unlimited being is able to quickly release these limitations we are left feeling…

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Ask and Receive Concepts

Higher States of our consciousness always have the answers. They always have a bigger picture – a higher perspective. We do not always have access to this information. Ask and Receive gives us a way to directly get higher states knowledge. Ask and Receive uses the power of the word.…

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Our Vision

Welcome, our vision for Ask and Receive is to teach you our techniques, whether you’re a health professional, social worker or just someone looking for freedom from your emotional and physical symptoms. It is time to jump into that pool of unlimited potential, so away with unhappiness, unhealthiness and lack…

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