ACEP 2016 Free Gifts

giftWelcome to the ACEP  2016 Ask & Receive FREE  Gift Page.
We’re so glad that you’re claiming these for yourself!


1) Here are the Ask & Receive protocol sheets for Allergies and for Relationships.



Here is Sandi’s Allergy Protocol Sheet. It will give you an easy 9 step protocol to help you release sensitivity reactions.

Here gift-03is Pam’s Rapid Relationship Remedy. It will take you to a page that shows you an easy way to use Ask and Receive to let go of those inevitable upsets and misunderstandings that come up in relationship.

gift-in-hand-art2) Schedule your Complimentary Transform Your Relationship Discovery Session. This is for people who– want to improve an already existing relationship. Or it is for some one who desires to bring in a love into their life! Just click on the link below to arrange for a 60 minute free discovery session.

Pam AltafferIn this Transform Your Relationship Discovery Session, I’ll walk you through:

  • Discover what is unconsciously sabotaging you from having that great relationship you want in your life.

  • Get clarity about exactly what you want in your relationship.

  • One simple step you can take immediately to get into action.

Note: I only have a limited amount of sessions available (25)!  So, please schedule your appointment ASAP so that you are able to take advantage of this opportunity. It is about 60 minutes long but please allow least an hour and a half so we are not rushed in any way.

Click here to schedule your Transform Your Relationship Discovery Session.

gift hand4) Sandi RadomskiSandi has specialized in overcoming allergies for the last 20 years. She is offering a free Allergy Antidotes Webinar to share her information about how allergies are learned and in turn how they can be unlearned. You owe it to yourself, your family and your clients to learn more about how to release the emotional and physical symptoms due to substance sensitivities. Webinar information will be sent to you soon in a separate email. So, stay tuned!

gift handAND here is the other stuff we promised during the conference:

Here is a copy of Sandi’s “Empowerment Trilogy

And here is Pam’s Gratitude Statement: “Thank you that part of my Being that gifted me this healing today. I know that I’m never, ever alone -that You are always with me, in me, around me, above me, and below me. Thank you so, very much. Amen.

We hope you find these gifts helpful.

With Love and Gratitude,

Sandi, Pam and Tom


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